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Noticias · News
by Casual Hoteles
Paula and Aitor decided that they wanted to work in something that would allow them to meet people and share experiences in a very special way: through their city, Bilbao. The idea came to them on vacation in New York, while they were riding their bikes through Central Park.
They thought it would be a great idea to show off their city while using bicycles to get around, so they got down to business and set up Tourné Bilbao . Their passion for traveling and the experiences accumulated after years touring other parts of the world have led them to offer this unique experience in Bilbao. His greatest hope is that this adventure becomes a meeting point for all people who want to share experiences and enjoy the attractions of the city. They have a clear objective: that you like the experience so much that... you want to be from Bilbao! And of course, with the strength and desire that they put into it, we are sure that they will achieve it. So we invite you to learn a little more about this initiative if you come to the city, and of course, if you stay at our Casual Bilbao Gurea we will give you some more clues.


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